Transfer Factor for Pets
Dosage and directions for giving Transfer Factor to animals
Testimonials for Pets Real Animals with Real Problems get Real Results!

Dr. Will Falconer, DVM - "Most of the chronic diseases we commonly see in animals (and humans) have an immune basis, e.g. diabetes, allergies, asthma, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, repeated ear infections, cancer, etc. While they can be cured through the careful use of homeopathy, the road to cure can be a long one -- often years if the animal has had years of disease. Transfer factors can significantly shorten the course, by giving a much needed balancing effect to the immune system. If the immune system is overactive as in allergies, ear infections, asthma, diabetes, or hypothyroidism, Transfer Factor can balance this overactivity so the system is not attacking its own organs, overreacting to things that shouldn’t be perceived as a threat. If, conversely, the immune system is under-active as in mange, parasites, viral infections, or cancer, Transfer Factor Plus can clearly stimulate it to better meet the challenges it needs to be alert to."        More about Dr. Falconer  --- Dr. Falconer's article on cats and chronic disease

Read Dr. Falconer's comment on using Transfer Factor Plus for tumors in a dog's ear / Q&A

Transfer Factor is an immune booster nutritional approach in preventive and natural medicine for people and animals according to doctors and veterinariansRichard H. Bennett, Ph.D - "For decades, the approach to maintaining healthy animals was to wait for signs and symptoms of disease to occur and to counter the challenge with an array of drugs which were toxic for the disease causing agent.  This approach is now being questioned as the armada of drugs is diminishing due to multiple drug resistant pathogens.  Compounding this alarming trend is the current approach to health maintenance which assumes that "all is well" until actual disease processes begin. By this time, the disease is established, sometimes irreversibly, and the damage has occurred.  So the questions arises...What if a new paradigm existed?  Could it be possible to optimize the immune status of animals so that (1) disease is much less likely to occur and (2) if disease does occur, it's severity and duration is minimized?  The answer is YES and this paradigm shift is being engineered by small, naturally occuring protein-like molecules called TRANSFER FACTORS." Dr. Richard Bennett holds a doctorate in Comparatie Pathology from the University of California, Davis.  His work in this area includes basic and applied research in infectious disease microbiology and immunology.

Rob Robertson, M.D. - "Nearly everything that goes wrong with us and our pets, with the exception of trauma - i.e. broken bones, etc., can be traced directly to an immune system failure".  Pollution, drug overload and nutrient-poor diets compromise our immune health. The key to self-healing is a strong defense system, which protects dogs and cats from everything from the flu germs to cancer cells.  More than their mainstream counterparts, holistic veterinarians believe that a weak immune system plays a key role in causing disease.  Drugs aren't the answer for immune enhancement. The immune system is not responsive to drugs for healing. Antibiotics fight infection, but they don't affect whatever weakened the immune system in the first place.  This is why holistic veterinarians focus less on things that cause diseases and more on those that affect the body's defenses."

Steven Slagle, DVM  - A cat with Leukemia, an oral tumor, and posterior paralysis due to a spinal tumor was very ill and emaciated.  One month after starting her on Transfer Factor Plus at 1 capsule per day, there was some regression of the oral tumor, restored appetite with some weight gain, and increased sociability.  Five months later, this cat continues to improve - she regained her normal weight, her oral tumor has regressed 80%, and she has regained the use of her hind legs and tail.   additional testimonials


What do professionals say about TF Pets™?

Dr. Joe Ramaekers, DVM   Transfer Factor™ is truly the missing link in the nutritional approach to preventive medicine for all pets.  It is a powerful immune system activator that has the ability to boost the immune system in an entirely different way. 

Dr. Richard Bennett, Ph.D.Bacterial infections, viral infections and immune system fatigue cause a host of disease problems in pets, especially in very young and older animals.  Transfer Factor Plus™ naturally provides full immune system power.  Transfer Factor Plus™ for pets is a natural and science based product for the health of all our animal friends. Dr. Bennett is an Infectious Disease Microbiologist and Immunologist.

Dr. Sam Jones, DVM   Transfer Factor™ has been a remarkable addition to my veterinary practice.  It is an amazing immune booster that provides support for so many conditions that animals have. 

Dr. William Hennen, Ph.D.  "Transfer factor make up a highly concentrated immune messaging system, designed by nature to transfer immune programming from one individual to another, both human and animal alike."   "Transfer factors are the most exciting discovery in immunology. As the 21st Century unfolds, transfer factor will be one of our greatest keys to health and well being."  Dr. Hennen is Vice President of Research and Development at 4Life Research.

Transfer Factor to help boost a compromised or underactive immune system to fight viral or bacterial infections, cancer, fungi (candida)Independent Study - 4Life Transfer Factor™ and Transfer Factor Plus® were tested for their ability to increase Natural Killer Cell (NK) activity. The researchers used peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) isolated from human volunteers. Test results showed that 4Life Transfer Factor™ boosted NK cell activity 103% above normal immune response without supplementation, more than two times higher than the next highest product. The study also showed that Transfer Factor Plus™ increased the NK cell activity 248% above normal immune response without supplementation, or about five times higher than any of the other previously tested products.

Article about the benefits of Transfer Factor in DVM, the Magazine of Veterinary Medicine

How to order Transfer Factor

Testimonials for Pets - Real Animals with Real Problems get Real Results!

NOTE: Many veterinarians recommend the human Transfer Factor formulas, instead of the Canine and FelineComplete formula for their sick animals. In the below testimonials, the veterinarians, medical doctor and pet owner used the human formula, Transfer Factor Classic, Adv. Formula and the Plus, to treat their animals, and not the canine or feline complete formulas. The human formula comes in a small capsule and it is easier to give a sick animal who doesn't want to eat. It is easy to sho ve the capusle into the throat, or empty the content into the pet's food. Some people mix the powder with a little water and squirt it into the animal's throat with an ear syringe."

Dr.Sam Jones, DVM -  "A four month old kitten had a severe skin condition that was diagnosed as ringworm.  After four months of conventional therapy, the resistant ringworm infection was not resolved.  We put the kitten on Transfer Factor™ and within 5 days there were no apparent ringworm lesions remaining.  Within a few weeks all the hair had grown back - and the now 9 month old cat has a beautiful, glossy coat.  The ringworm lesions have not returned."

Dogs, Distemper, and Transfer Factor Plus
By Dr. Baruch Rosen, M.D.

As a physician of nearly thirty years, I was well aware that no antibiotic would protect against the ravages of viral disease, particularly canine distemper which shows similarities to HIV.  My seven month old white haired Shepard was adopted from a local shelter and was initially joyful and healthy.  Within three weeks he developed coarse bronchitis with heavy mucus drainage of the nose and eyes.  Our well intentioned vet believed the problem to be kennel cough and started antibiotics.  Over the next ten days Romeo failed to improve, but instead experienced seven hard and long grand mall seizures in one weekend, a partial paralysis of the hind quarters which made him fall flat when attempting to walk and a "spaced-out gaze" of non-recognition.  Blood studies confirmed distemper and showed a white cell count (lymphocytes) of only 264 slightly more than ten percent of normal. Our vet plus a second out-of-state consulting vet, an expert in distemper were very sympathetic and advised me to prepare myself to euthanize Romeo.

The heartache was compounded when Chico, my thirteen month old Chihuahua developed similar symptoms of hard coughing and heavy mucus drainage from the eyes.  Reviewing his shot record, I learned he was mistakenly given only one distemper immunization, leaving him inadequately protected; and by licking Romeo's mucus and drinking from his water dish had contracted the infection.

Knowing little to nothing about canine distemper, I turned to the internet and luckily stumbled on to Transfer Factor Plus, a preparation which enhances and stimulates the body's own immune system to fight against all pathogens, viral or otherwise.  My thirty years in medicine told me this was the only solution.  I hurriedly became a distributor to get the product and started Chico and Romeo on one cap daily encased in one teaspoonful of raw hamburger.  Over the next two weeks all cough and mucus drainage ceased. Romeo's follow-up blood count had risen to normal range at 2217 and he surprised to whole family by jumping a five foot wall.  He romps and plays all day long with Chico, now responds normally to his name and appears to be his old joyful self again. 

Having witnessed the recoveries of Chico and Romeo, and after further study, all family members are taking Transfer Factor Plus™, one cap daily; our insurance policy to protect against a faltering immune system, the inevitable consequence of aging and exposure to environmental pollution and toxins.  As for my distributorship status, I fully intend to spread the word to all my colleagues and good friends. Dr. Baruch Rosen, M.D.

Dog's recover from Auto Immune Haemolytic Anaemia (AIHA) 
My dog Arnie had been given up on by the vet. He had acute anaemia, a disease characterized by increased destruction of red blood cells (erythrocytes) by the dog's own immune system, and quite honestly we were making arrangements for his funeral. After one week on Transfer Factor we noticed a dramatic improvement. Three months later,  after finishing the entire course, Arnie is doing so well that he no longer needs Transfer Factor . He now has so much energy on his new diet (James welbeloved) that we have to restrict his intake or we could be pulling him off the ceiling. He is putting on weight steadily as is his partner Heidi, She has been on Transfer Factor also and it has cured her scaly flaky skin condition on her back. Dave Burrows in Eastbourne, United Kingdom

Note: in most of the testimonials, the veterinarians, medical doctor and pet owner used the human formula, Transfer Factor or Transfer Factor Plus, to treat these animals. (They did not use the canine or feline complete formulas) (diffrerence between TF and TF+)

Infected Anal Glands and Bleeding Nose Scab
My German Shepherd 9 y.o desexed female, Jeska, was suffering from recurring anal gland infections (blood, pus etc.).  I did not want her to have to go through having them surgically removed.  She suffers terribly when she has anaesthetics and I want to avoid that.  She is fed raw chicken necks, wings, beef marrowbones, chicken mince, rabbit mince, raw minced vegetables, raw egg yolks,  flaxseed oil, yogurt, raw linseed powder with ground nuts, cooked brown rice.

After taking Transfer Factor Plus for a couple of months, the  vet checked her anal glands and the infection was gone. After all the months of agonising as to whether I should take the advice from the vet. to have her anal glands removed, I am just so relieved and grateful that her anal glands are healthy again. 

Also, ever since I brought Jeska home from the dog rescue kennels, at the approximate age of 10 months, her nose has been a huge concern  as the pigment had crusted and peeled and her nose would also bleed very easily in the raw areas.  It has been a constant battle to try to prevent her nose from drying out and crusting by applying products like Vitamin E etc., bu only with only moderate success.  Since giving Jeska the Transfer Factor Plus, her nose has regained all the black pigment and is now looking healthy and smooth. 

Marlene Hunter from Australia

Feline Leukemia  "My cat was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia and the vet considered euthanasia. - Nefret was about 8 weeks old when I found her.  I was going to work and looked over into my neighbors driveway and saw what I thought was a baby rabbit...all ears.   The animal got up and started to wobble down the driveway and I realized it was a kitten.  I went over to investigate and found a VERY sick kitten.  I took her into the house and gave my daughter instructions on how to care for her until I got home.  I made a vet appt. for that afternoon.  The vet examined her.  She was severely dehydrated, malnourished, had a major case of hookworms, diarrhea,  and a severe respiratory infection.  She also tested positive for feline leukemia.  The vet suggested, at that point,  to consider euthanasia.  We didn't opt for that and were sent home with an antibiotic and a kitten kit.
Nefret was on the antibiotic for 10 days and was still snotty and sneezing.  We were given a second course of the same antibiotic.  About 5 days into the second course, I came home to find her fairly unresponsive and very warm.  I immediately called the vet and was given the euthanasia option again and was told this was fairly typical of  cats testing positive for feline leukemia.  I asked for a stronger antibiotic instead, said a prayer and went on the net to do some research on alternatives to traditional treatment for this disease.  I read about the 4 Life Transfer Factor.  I ordered and had the transfer factor overnighted.

Nefret received a dose with her morning food and again in the evening.  Her response was amazing.  Within two days she was acting like a normal, wild and wonderful kitten.   She is a little over six months old now.  She was spayed about 5 weeks ago and had a full blood work-up done at that time.  Her blood work came back absolutely normal. The vet was amazed and  couldn't believe that this was the same kitten.  She continues to receive her 4 Life supplement just with her morning food and I will continue that for her lifetime.   I now have a bundle of pure energy and joy in my life". Libby McCourt, - Winchester, Virginia <

Equine Testimonials  Read additonal testimonials about horses who have recovered their health with Transfer Factor. Testimonials rom Molly Metz, DVM, a veterinarian in Lexington, Kentucky and from  Lisa Hampton, Trainer, in Montana

Joe Raemakers, DVM - "We recently had an experience with a 30-year-old horse who had a leg swollen from infection. I applied Transfer Factor™ directly to the leg and within 6 days the swelling was totally gone. I checked his lymphocyte level and he had a 27% increase since the use of Transfer Factor™. THAT’S JUST PHENOMENAL!" more about Transfer Factor for horses

See directions for giving Transfer Factor  to pets
Transfer Factor Q&A

Paralyzed dog recoverd use of hind legs  "I must say before I received the Transfer Factor I was really anxious and I would afraid that my Ridgeback dog, Linkin, would give up.  As soon as the package arrived from England I started giving Linkin 2 tablets a day for the first 3 weeks. 

He has improved in leaps and bounds and it is hard to believe that some 4 weeks ago he could not walk by himself and could hardly move around at all.  I had to carry his hind legs with a towel around his waist otherwise he just could not get around. 

After two weeks on TF+, he started trying to get up onto his hind legs.  It was difficult and heart breaking to see him struggle but he was trying.  After four weeks on TF+, he managed to walk around even though he lost his balance and he hind legs would give way. 

He is now walking and running around, although still a little wobbly, and he also tries to jump but does not always succeed.  It is absolutely fantastic to see the improvement from week to week."  Antoinette Kean,  South Africa

"My family has an 11-year old German Shephard mix that spent six days in a traditional vet's office because he could not walk anymore. After the Transfer Factor and flaxseed oil,  this dog is now  walking, frisky and in good spirits." Richard English

"My dog, Freckles,  has been on the Transfer Factor for about a month now. WOW! I love this product. She was limping before TF because of the rod that is in her hip. I couldn'd understand because I was feeding her raw food, pure water, and herbal supplements. Shortly after taking TF, I noticed that she doesn't limp at all. I have increased her walks from 30 minutes to 45-60 minutes and she runs the entire time and seems to have a abundance of energy. My main reason for giving her TF was to build her immune system to help fight off heartworm and fleas and ticks since I had decided to put those drugs in her body. She is even healthier now. My sister commented last week that Freckles looks so healthy. Since giving her the TF, I have also included Barleans's flax seed oil for animals, added clay to her water and food and a little sea salt to her water. She is a picture of health. I think she's surpassed me :). Thanks for all your help! Freckles thanks you also." Crystal Dunlap cdunlap@DDS.CA.GOV.

Jan. 8 to Aug  2003 -  The testimony about Sambo our cat - (born July 1985) - We can hardly believe the recovery Sambo is making.  As of last July he had lost 10 pounds (he had been 16 #) could hardly get up and down the stairs, slept a lot and dumped around. Walked like he was 100 yrs. old and we were sure we were going to loose him. He wasn't eating very much either.  He slowly was getting worse and worse.  He was so skinny and his fur got matted and terrible and then he started pulling his fur out - completely on both sides of his body.  It was an area 2" long and full length of his body and on both sides. We never took him to the vet because we thought he was just getting old and we would just have to accept the fact that we won't have him very much longer. 

We had just heard about Transfer Factor (basic) and we thought if it helps humans, maybe it will help our kitty.  We thought maybe Transfer Factor would at least make him feel better and we started giving him 1-capsule of Transfer Factor on Jan. 8, 2003 (which was the first day Wayne came to our home to have a meeting for some of our friends to introduce them to Transfer Factor - which was new to us too!). 

Right away we could tell that Sambo was getting better and so on Jan. 15, 2003  we increased the dose to 2 capsules a day.   His speedy recovery was hard to believe. He had regained 1/2 lb. by Jan. 18th and his fur was growing back on both sides and the rest of his fur was looking much better too. It had become very matted and ugly.  Energy?  He is bouncing up and down the stairs, up and down from the bathroom sink ( he loves to drink the running water but hadn't been able to make the jump for months) and hardly lays down for naps.  Previously, he had been sleeping a lot.  Once again he is following Neil everywhere as he had done for so many years, he was like our 'young' Sambo again and we knew he was going to be fine!! 

It is now Oct  2003 and he is still doing very, very good.  Has a good appetite, has energy, doesn't sleep very much in the daytime as we would expect an old cat to do and has a lovely new fur coat.  At this point, we decided to try the Feline formula instead of the TF human formula.

Update Dec. 19, 2003. We had to stop giving our cat the Feline Complete formula because Sambo started going down the hill and loosing weight. The Feline Formula did not agree with him. After we resumed giving him Transfer Factor Plus (human formula) Sambo started doing very well again  We are going to get to enjoy our pet longer which pleases us very, very much.. Neil and Patty Trammell

Dr. Sam Jones, DVM - Two cats, both about 8 years old, had severe diabetes.  It was impossible to get the insulin requirements adjusted.  They had lost weight to a point that they were skin and bones.  Both cats had no quality of life left.  After one week of being on Transfer Factor™, we were able to get their insulin requirements adjusted.  It is now six months later and they have both  regained their weight, and have a great quality of life and health.

My Siamese cat has severe deterioration in her back legs.  I had taken her to three veterinarians but they couldn't help her.  It got to the point that she couldn't walk.  After taking 3 capsules of Transfer Factor™ a day, she rarely falls down at all, and she is so much healthier and happier.  Donna Hendricks

I have an 11 year-old dog, a Bichon Frise who has had congenital kidney problems.  Two surgeries for bladder stones, being on a urine acidifier for 10 years to keep the infections down, and I had to monitor her urine daily with a urinalysis dip test.  She has been on TF-Pets Canine Formula for two months and she now is off all of her medicine except TF-Pets.  My vet can hardly believe it, but he is now carrying the product in his clinic. Bonnie Lee

In March of 99, my dog Chelsea was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer that was detected by the removal of a tumor from her tonsil. The vet held out little hope for her survival and suggested chemo or radiation therapy. Being a strong believer in natural and alternative medicine, I instead started Chelsea on a regimen of herbs. To the vet’s amazement, Chelsea seemed to make a full recovery. In December of 99 another tumor was removed from her throat. The cancer was back.

     When I heard of TF-Pets Canine in August, I put her on it right away and stopped giving her the herbs. Within a week, I noticed a significant improvement. Now, after only 2 months her coat again is soft and shiny, her eyes sparkle and dance and she has so much energy and joy in life. I am so grateful to 4-Life and am now giving hope to others who had lost it.  Nancy M.

"I find that Transfer Factor works really well when applied directly on a tumor. I mix the content of a capsule with a little bit of PURE  water to make a thin paste. I gently apply that paste directly on the tumor once or twice a day, in conjunction with taking one capsule by mouth AM and PM, on an empty stomach,if possible. It can also be gently rubbed under the armpit to be absorbed by the skin. For those who cannot swallow the capsules, the content can be mixed with a SMALL AMOUNT of juice or water or simply rubb it under the armpit." Pat Hartman

The Feline Leukemia and Feline Immunodeficiency viruses cause the immune system in the cat to become severely compromised.  In many cases, it doesn't function well enough to prevent or overcome illness and disease.  I have been looking for something that I can give sick FeLV+ cats to enhance their immune systems and improve their chances of maintaining good health and fighting illness.  In my search, I found the Transfer Factor™ products.  I believe that these products, which are a new and completely different approach to enhancing the immune system, will be effective and beneficial to the health and recovery of any sick cat, not just a sick positive cat, and will help maintain immune system efficiency in chronically ill cats." Eileen J. Poole Animal Care Specialist and Feline Consultant  specializing in the care of FeLV+, FIV+ and chronically ill cats. 

NOTE: Many veterinarians recommend the human Transfer Factor formulas, instead of the Canine and FelineComplete formula for their sick animals. In the above testimonials, the veterinarians, medical doctor and pet owner used the human formula, Transfer Factor Classic, Adv. Formula and the Plus, to treat their animals, and not the canine or feline complete formulas. The human formula comes in a small capsule and it is easier to give a sick animal who doesn't want to eat. It is easy to shove the capusle into the throat, or empty the content into the pet's food. Some people mix the powder with a little water and squirt it into the animal's throat with an ear syringe.".

Immune system disorders fall into two broad categories:

  1. Immunodeficiency - when the immune system does not recognize invaders as being undesirable and therefore does not mobilize to destroy them.

  2. Autoimmunity (self-destruction) - when the immune system fails to recognize 'self' as friendly and mounts an attack on itself." Explaining Autoimmune Disease by David Isenberg, PhD and John Morrow, PhD

Duane Townsend, MD - "Transfer Factor helps to modulate the immune system."

Baruch Rosen MD - "Transfer Factor Plus, a preparation which enhances and stimulates the body's own immune system to fight against all pathogens, viral or otherwise."

Audio Presentation by Dr. Rob Robertson, M.D

Directions for giving Transfer Factor to animals

Testimonials from veterinarians and pet lovers

How to order Transfer Factor
