Wild Horses In Peril

wpe9.jpg (19581 bytes)Over the Thanksgiving holiday a rider to the federal appropriations bill was surreptitiously submitted by the Montana Senator, Conrad Burns, that destroyed the law that has protected America's wild horses for over 30 years. It was signed into law on December 7, 2004.

NOW 14,000 wild horses face slaughter and and maybe more as the BLM hurries to reduce herds on public lands.

We must STOP the slaughter!

The Truth - Plain & Simple ~
In 1971 Congress declared that wild horses and burros shall be protected on public lands and "are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West; that they contribute to the diversity of life forms within the Nation and enrich the lives of the American people"
The stealth rider was attached to the appropriations bill  WITHOUT your knowledge or input! Most Senators and Representatives never knew it was in the nearly 4,000 page document that they hurriedly signed without reading before leaving on holiday.
The rider allows for wild horses and burros to be sold for slaughter and gives the BLM greater opportunity now to gut the public lands of wild horse and burros.  As you read this today, thousands upon thousands of wild horses are facing slaughter!

Click Here for more details ]

What you can do to help ~
E-mail this page to everyone you know and ask them to support our efforts.
Our goal is to reach 1 million people before the end of the year!  Please send us your e-mail address to  ispmb@lakotanetwork.com  and we will keep you informed and ready to mobilize at a moments notice.   ISPMB is organizing a massive write in campaign to Congress targeted for the first of the year.  Please stay tuned.
Call and write to the President and and tell him that you protest the slaughter of America's wild horses. 202-456-1111.  [ Click here for sample letter. ]
Call and write Senator Conrad Burns of Montana and let him know that dismantling the Wild Horse and Burro Act was not constitutional and did not represent the will of the majority of the people.  202-224-2644 or 1-800-344-1513.Click here for sample letter. ]
Call and write Senator Reid of Nevada and express your concern over his involvement and to express your desire to protect the American Mustang and to keep it free. [ Click here for sample letter. ]
Call and write your State Representative and two Senators and ask them to put provisions back in the Wild Horse and Burros law to once again protect America's wild horses and burros.. [ Click here for sample letter. ]
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