Bill A10169

Bill 10169 introduced on March 10, 2004, requires ALL dog owners to retain
individual liability insurance policy on any dog you own over the age of 4
months or any non-resident NYS dog in your possession over 30 days. It also
stipulates any dog sold/adopted must be insured by the new owner prior to
your premises under penalty resulting in a mandatory fine starting at
$250.00. Bill 10169 will also require an orange tag provided by the state
to be worn
by the dog at all times in all public places (i.e., fairgrounds, parks, etc
where most Dog Shows are held). If this tag is not visibly worn on the dog
in all public places, whether it is licensed or not, it can and will be
impounded by any legal law enforcement officer whether or not they have
training/experience in handling dogs. This could result in the injury or
death of your dog
and also will be at your expense of $15.00 per day and a mandatory fine
starting at $100.00.

(Why are they not passing bills to prevent the illegal, irresponsible, dangerous breeders, sellers and cruel dog owners who will not buy insurance, continue to endanger all of us with their irresponsible practices?  They are the ones who sell puppies irresponsibly, and don't socialize and train their dogs who end up attacking children)